dissabte, 14 de desembre del 2013

Colors de tardor.


Tot català desitja tenir una olivera a casa. Difícil si no vius a una casa ...

En un pis hi pots tenir una olivera bonsai. Caldrà que la tinguis a fora, al balcó o a la galeria. Li agrada passar calor i fred, i no necessita molta aigua.

La primavera fa petites olives que van mutant del verd al negre ...

És un exemplar relativament jove, que fa mig any que és a casa i li ha costat una mica aclimatar-se (o trobar-li la freqüència de rec).


Quan imagines un bonsai, imagines l'arç. Un arbre de fulla caduca que a la primavera es desperta amb una gran força i abans de perdre el fullam canvia el color de les fulles a roig i ocre.  

Detalls de les fulles del final de la tardor ... i l'aspecte general quan ja ha començat a perdre les fulles de la part alta de la copa ...

Va arribar a casa fa tres anys ... en deu tenir uns 20.



Quan algú no ha tingut mai un bonsai, i vol començar a cultivar-ne un, l'ideal és el Ficus Benjamina. És una varietat de la figuera (que no fa fruits). De fulla perenne i tropical s'adapta força bé a casa si té la freqüència de rec adequada.


Fa ja 13 anys que viu a casa i va arribar quan en devia tenir uns 15.

Des de que viu a la galeria, li he hagut d'augmentar la freqüència de rec, han començat a apareixer unes interessants arrels aèries que li donaran molta personalitat i ha augmentat considerablement la densitat de les fulles.

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013

Do not let - Walt Whitman

Do not let the day end without having grown a bit, without being happy,
without having risen your dreams.
Do not let overcome by disappointment.
Do not let anyone you remove the right to express yourself,
which is almost a duty.
Do not forsake the yearning to make your life something special.
Be sure to believe that words and poetry it can change the world.
Whatever happens, our essence is intact.
We are beings full of passion. Life is desert and oasis.
We breakdowns, hurts us, teaches us, makes us protagonists of our own history.
Although the wind blow against the powerful work continues:
You can make a stanza. Never stop dreaming, because in a dream, man is free.
Do not fall into the worst mistakes: the silence.
Most live in a dreadful silence. Do not resign escape.
"Issued by my alaridos roofs of this world," says the poet.
Rate the beauty of the simple things.
You can make beautiful poetry on little things, but we can not row against ourselves.
That transforms life into hell.
Enjoy the panic that leads you have life ahead. Vivel intensely, without mediocrity.
Think that you are the future and facing the task with pride and without fear.
Learn from those who can teach you.
The experiences of those who preceded us in our "dead poets", help you walk through life.
Today's society is us "poets alive." Do not let life pass you live without that. 

Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)